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仙台BOSAI-TECHについて 仙台BOSAI-TECHは、防災技術の革新を目指すプラットフォームとして、先進的な技術を持つ企業が結集し、地域および社会全体の防災力向上に取り組んでいます。 自治体、企業、研究機関との緊密な連携を通じて、次世代の防災ソリューションを展開する重要な拠点となっています。


仙台市経済局産業振興課 仙台市の産業振興を担う部門として、地域産業の活性化と新規事業の創出を推進しています。

仙台市まちづくり政策局防災環境都市推進室 仙台市の防災環境都市づくりを推進する部門として、防災関連の政策立案および事業推進を担当しています。

防災教育に求められる新たな展開と災害体験VRの可能性 弊社は「防災は行政サービスではなく、地域と共に創り上げるもの」という理念のもと、災害体験VRを通じて実践的な疑似体験を提供し、従来の防災教育の伝統や経験を、より強力なものとするため、日本各地での防災教育のサポートに取り組んでまいりました。






  • 自治体での活用 職員や地域住民の防災意識向上を目的とした防災訓練に導入し、地域全体で災害に備える体制づくりを支援しています。

  • 民間企業での活用 防災イベントにおける家族での災害疑似体験を通じて、各家庭での防災についての対話を促進するとともに、企業のBCP訓練において社員の意識向上とスキル育成をサポートしています。

1月30日開催 自治体向け講演のポイント


  • 災害体験VRがもたらす防災教育の未来

  • 自治体と地域住民の協働による防災の実現

  • 体験を通じた意識改革と行動変容の仕組み

  • 避難所体験他、今後のVRコンテンツの展開




今後も弊社は、自治体や企業、教育機関との連携を深めながら、最新技術を活用し、地域に根ざした防災の実現に向けて邁進してまいります。 The following is the English version of the text. 

Title Announcement of Sendai BOSAI-TECH Publication and Lecture for Local Governments, Transforming Disaster Prevention from a Government Service to a Community Co-creation -

We are pleased to announce our participation in the "Sendai BOSAI-TECH Innovation Platform" organized by Sendai City, where we will present at a seminar for local governments on January 30, 2025, in Sendai.

The "Sendai BOSAI-TECH Innovation Platform" is an innovative initiative by Sendai City that integrates "disaster prevention" with "IT." It was established as a hub for creating solutions and new businesses addressing various disaster prevention challenges through industry-academia-government-financial collaboration.

About Sendai BOSAI-TECH Sendai BOSAI-TECH is a platform dedicated to innovating disaster prevention technology. It brings together companies with advanced technologies to enhance disaster prevention capabilities for communities and society as a whole. Through partnerships with local governments, businesses, and research institutions, it serves as a crucial hub for developing next-generation disaster prevention solutions.

For more details, please visit the official website (Sendai BOSAI-TECH).

New Developments in Disaster Prevention Education and the Potential of VR Experience

Based on our philosophy that "disaster prevention is not merely a government service but something to be created together with communities," we have been supporting disaster prevention education across Japan by providing practical virtual experiences through VR, aiming to strengthen traditional disaster prevention education and experience.

We are honored to contribute to enhancing regional disaster prevention capabilities through collaboration with local governments and businesses in this platform.

Our disaster experience VR has been widely adopted by many local governments and educational institutions as an innovative tool to advance traditional disaster prevention education. Additionally, private companies utilize our technology for family-oriented disaster prevention events and as part of their Business Continuity Planning (BCP). By realistically recreating earthquakes, fires, and landslides through 3DCG technology, we can effectively raise disaster awareness through visual and experiential learning.

Implementation Cases

  • Government Use: Supporting the development of community-wide disaster preparedness systems by implementing disaster prevention training aimed at raising awareness among officials and local residents.

  • Corporate Use: Promoting family dialogue about disaster prevention through virtual disaster experiences at prevention events, while supporting employee awareness and skill development in corporate BCP training.

Key Points of the January 30 Lecture for Local Governments

During the lecture, we will discuss the following themes, incorporating case studies based on our track record:

  • The Future of Disaster Prevention Education through VR Experience

  • Realizing Disaster Prevention through Collaboration between Local Governments and Residents

  • Mechanisms for Awareness Reform and Behavioral Change through Experience

  • Future VR Content Development Including Evacuation Center Experience

Furthermore, through Sendai BOSAI-TECH, we will explore possibilities for new cooperation and enhanced disaster prevention capabilities while exchanging information about cutting-edge prevention technologies and other companies' initiatives.

Our Mission and Future Outlook

Disaster experience VR is more than just a disaster prevention training tool. It is an innovative solution that provides "experiences" and "insights" that make disaster prevention more relatable to local residents and businesses, leading to proactive behavior. Moving forward, our company will continue to advance toward realizing community-based disaster prevention by deepening partnerships with local governments, businesses, and educational institutions while utilizing the latest technology.



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