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執筆者の写真広報 / 企画

災害体験VR代理店募集開始のお知らせ ~共に創る、日本の防災教育の未来~




近年、自然災害の激甚化や火災リスクの高まりを受け、より実践的な防災教育への需要が急速に高まっています。 すでに60を超える自治体で導入されている弊社の災害体験VRは、その効果的なソリューションとして高い評価をいただいております。



防災教育は、地域に根ざした活動であり、それぞれの地域特性や課題を深く理解している皆様との協力が不可欠です。 代理店様には、以下のような充実したメリットとサポートをご用意しております。

  • 高収益が期待できるビジネスモデル

  • 充実した販促・技術サポート

  • 確かな実績に基づく信頼性

  • 独自開発の高品質コンテンツ

  • クライアントニーズに合わせた柔軟なカスタマイズ


私たちが求めているのは、単なる製品販売ではなく、地域の防災力向上に共に取り組んでいただけるパートナーの皆様との協力です。 防災教育に深い関心を持ち、自治体や企業とのネットワークをお持ちの方々のご参画を心よりお待ちしております。




防災教育の新たな価値を、皆様と共に創り上げていければ幸いです。 ▶︎ 災害体験VRの詳細はこちら ご興味をお持ちの方は、ぜひお気軽にお問い合わせください。 もちろん、外国のお客様もご相談ください。

今後とも変わらぬご支援を賜りますよう、よろしくお願い申し上げます。 The following is the English version of the text. Title

Announcement of Disaster Experience VR Agency Recruitment - Creating the Future of Disaster Prevention Education in Japan Together Thank you for your continued patronage of our services.

We are pleased to announce that in response to numerous requests, we have begun recruiting agencies for the rental, lease, and sale of our Disaster Experience VR system.

Why Agency Recruitment Now? In recent years, due to the intensification of natural disasters and increased fire risks, demand for more practical disaster prevention education has rapidly increased. Our Disaster Experience VR, already implemented in over 60 municipalities, has received high praise as an effective solution. To deliver this practical disaster prevention education tool to more regions and organizations, we have decided to recruit agencies throughout Japan.

Proposal to Agency Partners Disaster prevention education is a community-based activity, and cooperation with those who deeply understand local characteristics and challenges is essential. We offer the following comprehensive benefits and support to our agency partners:

  • High-profit potential business model

  • Comprehensive sales promotion and technical support

  • Reliability based on proven track record

  • Originally developed high-quality content

  • Flexible customization to meet client needs

Desired Agency Partner Profile We are seeking partners who will work with us to improve regional disaster prevention capabilities, not just sell products. We warmly welcome the participation of those who have a deep interest in disaster prevention education and maintain networks with local governments and businesses.

Detailed Information For details about agency recruitment, please visit our dedicated page below: ▶︎ Agency Recruitment Page (Explanation in Japanese)

We accept inquiries and consultations at the following contact information. We hope to create new value in disaster prevention education together with you. ▶︎ Click here for Disaster Experience VR details (Explanation in Japanese)

Please feel free to contact us if you are interested. Of course, we welcome inquiries from customers outside of Japan as well.

We look forward to your continued support.



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