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VR技術で創る、新世代への防災教育 ー 龍野北高校での実践的な取り組み1/3

執筆者の写真: 広報SC広報SC


阪神・淡路大震災から約30年。 震災の記憶と教訓を次世代に継承しつつ、VR技術を活用した新しい防災教育の形を、兵庫県立龍野北高校で展開しています。


プログラムは、まず生徒さんたちが当社の災害体験VRを体験することから始まります。 VRデバイスを装着し、3DCGで精密に再現された地震や津波などの災害シーンを体験、また大型スクリーンでは臨場感あふれる災害CG映像を共有視聴します。 この体験により、災害時の状況をリアルに理解し、防災意識を高めていきます。







  1. 3DCGによる高精細な災害シミュレーション

  2. VRデバイスによる没入型体験

  3. 360度VRカメラを使用した実践的な防災行動の記録



兵庫県は阪神・淡路大震災を経験した地域として、高い防災意識を持つ地域です。 しかし、震災を直接経験していない世代が増えていく中で、その教訓をいかに継承していくことも、また大きな課題となっています。


  • 災害の臨場感ある体験

  • 防災行動の主体的な検討

  • VRコンテンツ制作への参加








教育機関での防災教育プログラムについて、詳しい情報をご希望の方は、お気軽にご連絡ください。 ▶ ご連絡はこちらからお願いいたします。 また、この度はご支援くださっているInsta360サポートチームの皆様にも感謝いたします。

The following is the English version of the text.  Title Creating Next-Generation Disaster Prevention Education Through VR Technology - A Practical Initiative at Tatsuno Kita High School (1/3)

Nearly 30 years have passed since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. At Hyogo Prefectural Tatsuno Kita High School, we are developing a new form of disaster prevention education using VR technology while passing on the memories and lessons of the earthquake to the next generation.

Fostering Disaster Prevention Awareness Through Experience

The program begins with students experiencing our disaster simulation VR. Wearing VR devices, they experience disaster scenes like earthquakes and tsunamis precisely recreated in 3DCG, while also viewing immersive disaster CG footage on a large screen. Through these experiences, students gain a realistic understanding of disaster situations and develop heightened awareness of disaster prevention.

Student-Led Creation of Disaster Prevention Content

After the experience, students consider actual disaster prevention actions and engage in creating VR content. First, they identify potential hazards in their classrooms and discuss appropriate actions during earthquakes. Then, using VR cameras, they film their planned disaster prevention actions. Students handle everything from planning to filming and acting, creating unique disaster prevention educational content for their school.

New Learning Through Technology Integration

This program's distinctive feature is its effective combination of three technological elements:

  1. High-definition disaster simulation using 3DCG

  2. Immersive experience through VR devices

  3. Recording practical disaster prevention actions using 360-degree VR cameras By combining these technologies, we provide practical learning that builds upon and utilizes the experience accumulated through traditional classroom learning and evacuation drills.

Inheriting and Developing Disaster Prevention Awareness

Hyogo Prefecture, having experienced the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, is a region with high disaster prevention awareness. However, as generations who didn't directly experience the earthquake increase, passing on these lessons has become a significant challenge. Through this program, students:

  • Experience disasters with realistic immediacy

  • Actively consider disaster prevention actions

  • Participate in VR content creation Through these stages, they come to view disaster prevention as personally relevant.

Future Prospects

We plan to expand this initiative to other educational institutions, using the Tatsuno Kita High School project as a model case. We aim to spread this new form of disaster prevention education, which integrates VR-3DCG technology with education, to more schools.

We will continue to support the next generation in developing their ability to think and act independently regarding disaster prevention through technology.

We design and plan our programs flexibly to meet specific needs.

Contact Information

For more information about disaster prevention education programs for educational institutions, please feel free to contact us. ▶ Please contact us here.



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