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本日、高知県須崎市で開催された「防祭~まなぼうさいinすさき~」にて、災害体験VRを用いた防災教育へ参加をさせていただきました。 警察署での災害体験VR導入は、今回が全国初となります。



  • 警察音楽隊による演奏とカレーの炊き出し

  • VRによる災害時行動シミュレーション

  • 過去の災害事例からの学び

  • 地域特性を考慮した防災対策の検討






白バイやパトカー等、警察車両の乗車体験の実施、須崎消防署からは消防車も展示され、地域の子どもと大人たちが一緒になり、警察活動への理解を深める良い機会となったと思います。 このような触れ合いを通じて、地域の方々と警察との距離がより近くなり、日頃の防災防犯意識向上に繋がることを私たちは強く願っています。




  • 最適化されたフレームレートでの提供

  • 動きの滑らかさを重視した描画処理

  • 視点移動時の違和感軽減

  • 「使いやすさ、安全面」を配慮したコンテンツデザイン





  • 京都大学防災研究所

  • 岡山大学

  • 岡山大学病院

  • その他防災専門家による監修



  • 360度のリアルな災害CG表現

  • インタラクティブな対応行動の体験

  • 直感的な操作性









災害体験VRの導入についてのご相談は、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 各地域の特性に合わせたカスタマイズも承っております。 ▶ 「災害体験VRレンタル、販売/開発」のお問い合わせはこちらから。 The following is the English version of the text. Title Report: Implementation of Disaster Experience VR at Susaki Police Station, Kochi Prefectural Police Headquarters

Today, we participated in disaster prevention education using VR technology at "Bosai Let's Learn Disaster Prevention in Susaki" held in Susaki City, Kochi Prefecture. This marks the first implementation of disaster experience VR at a police station in Japan.

Local residents, along with officials from Susaki Police Station, Fire Department, and City Hall, participated in practical disaster awareness training through VR simulation experiences.

■ Event Contents

  • Musical performance by the Police Band and curry rice distribution

  • Disaster response simulation using VR

  • Learning from past disaster cases

  • Discussion of disaster prevention measures considering local characteristics

■ Susaki Police Station's Community Safety Initiatives Susaki Police Station is committed to community-based disaster prevention activities in addition to their daily police duties to protect local safety and security.

This "Bosai" event provided a valuable opportunity for police, schools, and the community to unite in considering disaster prevention. Students from Susaki Comprehensive High School and Meitoku Gijuku Junior and Senior High Schools participated, creating a meaningful cross-generational learning environment.

The police band performance and emergency food distribution training helped strengthen community bonds. The experience of riding police motorcycles and patrol cars, along with fire truck displays from Susaki Fire Department, offered children and adults alike a chance to better understand police activities. We strongly believe these interactions help bridge the gap between police and community while raising awareness of daily disaster and crime prevention.

■ VR System Features

Our disaster experience VR's primary feature is its accessibility for everyone. We particularly focus on preventing VR sickness through.

  • Optimized frame rates

  • Smooth motion rendering

  • Reduced discomfort during viewpoint changes

  • User-friendly and safety-conscious content design *Note: No accidents or injuries among nearly 13,000 users

■ Research-Based Reliability

We regularly develop our technology through joint research and supervision with research institutions, applying the accumulated technology and experience to our content development.

  • Kyoto University Disaster Prevention Research Institute

  • Okayama University

  • Okayama University Hospital

  • Supervision by other disaster prevention experts

■ Impact on Disaster Awareness

Particularly effective in raising awareness among those typically less interested in disaster prevention:

  • 360-degree realistic disaster CG representation

  • Interactive response behavior experience

  • Intuitive operation

Through our industry-academia-government collaborative research and practical implementation, we have demonstrated that adding VR disaster simulation to traditional disaster education enhances learning effectiveness and raises disaster awareness.

We sincerely thank Susaki Police Station and all related parties. We deeply respect their daily efforts to ensure community safety and security, and we are grateful to have contributed to these efforts through this disaster prevention event.

This gathering of police, fire department, government officials, and local residents provided a valuable opportunity to experience, consider, and learn about disaster prevention together.

We will continue to provide disaster prevention education solutions tailored to each region's characteristics, contributing to the development of a safer society.

And the curry rice prepared on-site with freshly cooked rice and vegetables was delicious!

【Contact Information】 Please feel free to contact us regarding the implementation of disaster experience VR. We offer customization based on regional characteristics. ▶ Click here for inquiries about disaster experience VR rental, sales, and development.



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