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私たちのVR技術が提供する防災教育 - 体験がもたらす意識と行動の変革











  • 防災教育に特化した最適化設計

  • VR酔いを最小限に抑えるフレームレート制御

  • 圧倒的なCGクオリティによる没入感

  • 教育効果を最大化する体験設計

これらの特徴により、多くの自治体、消防、他専門機関から高い評価を得ています。 ▶ レジリエンスアワード2024年優秀賞、防災x減災サステナブル大賞奨励賞受賞


  • リアルな災害状況を体験

  • 危機意識の醸成

  • 学習意欲の向上




  • 災害時の具体的な行動指針

  • 防災グッズの実践的な使用方法

  • 避難所運営についての理解


  • 各地の災害事例研究

  • 地域での具体的な取り組み

  • コミュニティの役割





VR体験の有無により、その後の防災教育の受容度に顕著な違いが表れています。 重要なお知らせ




社会への持続的な貢献を実現するため、誠に恐縮ではございますが、本キャンペーンは2024年12月末をもって終了とさせていただきます。 また、来年以降、新たな形でキャンペーンを行う予定です。






私たちは、培った経験と実績、技術を通じて、より強靭な地域社会の構築に貢献していきます。 ▶ ご相談、お問い合わせはこちらから!

The following is the English version of the text.

Title Disaster Prevention Education through Our VR Technology - Transforming Awareness and Behavior through Experience

In Japan, known as a country prone to natural disasters, disaster prevention education plays a vital role in protecting our lives and safety. However, traditional disaster prevention education has faced a significant challenge: the difficulty of helping people who have never experienced disasters understand their dangers and appropriate responses.

Paradigm Shift in Disaster Prevention Education

Through five years of collaborative research, we have established a new approach to disaster prevention education centered on "Disaster Experience VR." This approach has resolved the challenges of conventional disaster prevention education and is now producing results in many locations.

Why is "Experience" Important?

People often find it difficult to imagine situations they haven't experienced. Unfounded confidence in one's safety and the "it won't happen to me" mentality are major factors that delay disaster prevention efforts. To address this challenge, we are utilizing cutting-edge VR technology to provide realistic disaster simulations, achieving innovative improvements in disaster awareness.

Learning Effects through Technical Superiority

Our "Disaster Experience VR" stands out from other products with these features:

  • Optimization design specialized for disaster prevention education

  • Frame rate control that minimizes VR motion sickness

  • Immersive experience through superior CG quality

  • Experience design maximized for educational effect

These features have earned high praise from many municipalities, fire departments, and other specialized institutions.

Disaster Experience through VR

  • Experience realistic disaster situations

  • Foster crisis awareness

  • Enhance learning motivation

New Model for Effective Disaster Prevention Seminars

Our content is designed (structured) to facilitate learning of the following topics after experiencing the VR content above:

Practical Disaster Prevention Education

  • Specific action guidelines during disasters

  • Practical usage of disaster prevention goods

  • Understanding shelter operations

Importance of Community Disaster Prevention

  • Case studies of disasters from various regions

  • Specific community initiatives

  • Role of community

"Creating Together with the Community" - The Future of Disaster Prevention

Disaster prevention is no longer something provided by the government alone. It's something to be developed and tackled by the entire community.

However, currently, those who are indifferent still constitute a large portion of the population.

Our "Disaster Experience VR" serves as an important tool to promote awareness among these indifferent groups and stimulate interest in disaster prevention.

There is a notable difference in the receptiveness to subsequent disaster prevention education between those who have and haven't experienced the VR.

Important Notice

Until now, we have offered our VR content at special campaign prices to provide disaster prevention education opportunities to as many people as possible.

This pricing was made possible by requesting usage restrictions and cooperation with public relations activities.

However, developing and maintaining high-quality content incurs corresponding costs, and the current pricing structure does not generate sufficient profit for development investment, making it difficult to invest in new content development.

To ensure sustainable contribution to society,

we regret to announce that this campaign will end on December 31, 2024. We plan to launch new campaigns in different forms next year.

We appreciate your understanding.


Our "Disaster Experience VR" is not just a disaster simulation tool. It is a proven educational method that establishes a new paradigm in disaster prevention education.

Through five years of research and practice, we have demonstrated that this method raises disaster awareness and brings about specific behavioral changes.

Through our accumulated experience, achievements, and technology, we will continue contributing to building more resilient communities.



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