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キャラクターが繋ぐ、技術と心 ―防災・医療コンテンツの新しいアプローチ―






  • 親しみやすさの創出

  • 複雑な情報の分かりやすい伝達

  • 記憶に残りやすい視覚的効果

  • 世代を超えたコミュニケーション




  1. 防災教育キャラクター

  2. 避難行動の具体的な例示

  3. 防災知識の親しみやすい解説

  4. 子どもたちの興味を引く工夫

  5. 労働災害防止の啓発

  6. 作業手順の明確な伝達

  7. 注意喚起の効果的な表現

  8. 地域の観光、イベント案内

  9. 企業のイメージアップ促進







  • 学習意欲の向上

  • 内容の理解促進

  • 長期的な記憶定着

  • 楽しみながらの学習実現




その架け橋として、キャラクターデザインは今後も重要な役割を果たしていくでしょう。 ▶ お問い合わせはこちらから。

The following is the English version of the text.

Title Characters Bridging Technology and Heart - A New Approach to Disaster Prevention and Medical Content

People don't pay attention to things they're not interested in. No matter how important the information or educational content may be, if we can't overcome the first hurdle of "generating interest," we cannot convey its value.

Along with developing disaster prevention and medical content using 3DCG and VR technology, we are taking a unique approach to this communication challenge. This involves creative solutions such as logo and character design, as well as 3D adaptation of existing characters.

[The Power of Character Design]

  • Creating familiarity

  • Clear communication of complex information

  • Memorable visual effects

  • Cross-generational communication

Characters play a crucial role in highly specialized fields like disaster prevention and medicine, making content more approachable and reaching a wider audience. Beyond corporate and municipal promotions, they significantly contribute to enhancing learning outcomes in educational settings.

[Application Examples]

  1. Disaster prevention education characters

  2. Concrete examples of evacuation behavior

  3. Friendly explanation of disaster prevention knowledge

  4. Engaging children's interest

  5. Workplace accident prevention awareness

  6. Clear communication of work procedures

  7. Effective attention-drawing expressions

  8. Regional tourism and event guidance

  9. Corporate image enhancement

[Fusion of Technology and Creativity]

Our strength lies in combining advanced 3DCG technology with creative thinking. In 3D adaptation of existing characters, we pursue new expressive possibilities while preserving the original appeal. For original character creation, we propose optimal designs tailored to specific purposes.

[Approach to Children]

Characters play an especially vital role in educational content for young children:

  • Improving learning motivation

  • Promoting content understanding

  • Long-term memory retention

  • Making learning enjoyable

Thus, character design is not mere decoration but a strategic tool for effectively conveying important messages. We continue to create content that resonates with many people through our technical expertise and creativity. Whether in disaster prevention, medicine, or education, the first step is always "generating interest."

As this bridge, character design will continue to play a crucial role in the future.



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