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技術から使命へ ―命を守るイノベーションを追求して―

3DCG制作会社として始まった私たちの歩みは、防災の現場に立ち会う中で大きく変わりました。 現場で真摯に防災に向き合う指導者たちの姿、そして「命を守りたい」という強い想いとの出会いが、技術者としての私たちの使命を明確にして行きました。

当初は「技術的に、課題を見つけて作品を作りたい」という思いが主体でした。 しかし、防災の現場で出会う人々の真剣な姿勢と、災害から人々を守りたいという強い願いに触れるうちに、私たちの目標は「技術を用いて、共に一人でも多く人を災害から守る」という明確な使命へと進化していきました。






■ 高度な技術基盤

  • 精密な3DCGモデリング・アニメーション

  • UnityやUE5による没入感の高いVR環境構築

  • デバイスにこだわらない、マルチプラットフォーム対応の開発力

■ 分野別ソリューション

  • 防災・減災:災害シミュレーションと避難訓練

  • 医療・健康:医療従事者訓練と患者教育

  • 教育・研修:体験型学習と技能伝承

  • 産業・工業:安全教育と作業訓練



「See Change Act!(見て、変わり、行動を!)」というスローガンには、体験を通じて意識を変え、行動を変え、そして命を救うという、私たちの切なる願いが込められています。


  1. 現場ニーズの徹底的な理解

  2. 専門家との緊密な連携

  3. 科学的根拠に基づく効果検証

  4. 継続的な改善とサポート






災害から人々を守るため、私たちは歩みを止めることはありません。 そして私たちは、あらゆるもの、情景を再現する事が可能です。

The following is the English version of the text.


From Technology to Mission - Pursuing Innovation to Protect Lives

Our journey, which began as a 3DCG production company, transformed significantly through our involvement in disaster prevention. Meeting instructors who earnestly tackle disaster prevention and encountering the strong desire to "protect lives" clarified our mission as technologists.

Initially, our focus was on "finding technical challenges and creating solutions." However, as we encountered people's serious commitment to disaster prevention and their strong desire to protect others from disasters, our goal evolved into a clear mission: "to use technology to work together to protect as many people as possible from disasters."

This dedication enables efforts that other companies cannot replicate. Our driving force is our purpose of "protecting people from disasters," which cannot be explained by profit or efficiency alone.

This commitment has led to uncompromising product development, including technology that minimizes VR sickness and attention to details for providing more effective experiences.

[Technical Foundation and Problem Solving]

We continue to focus on solving fundamental challenges while building on our technology and experience.

■ Advanced Technical Foundation

  • Precise 3DCG modeling and animation

  • Highly immersive VR environment construction using Unity and UE5

  • Device-agnostic, multi-platform development capabilities

■ Sector-Specific Solutions

  • Disaster Prevention & Mitigation: Disaster simulation and evacuation training

  • Healthcare: Medical staff training and patient education

  • Education & Training: Experiential learning and skill transfer

  • Industry & Manufacturing: Safety education and operation training

Our disaster experience VR, currently utilized by over 60 municipalities, is the crystallization of this passion and technology.

Furthermore, we are expanding into the medical field, essential during disasters, conducting research and development in disaster medicine from our laboratory within Okayama University Hospital.

Our slogan "See Change Act!" embodies our earnest wish to change consciousness, transform behavior, and save lives through experience.

To achieve this, we emphasize:

  1. Thorough understanding of field needs

  2. Close collaboration with experts

  3. Evidence-based effectiveness verification

  4. Continuous improvement and support

Disasters will inevitably occur. That's why we continue to communicate our message to the world. Whatever challenges arise, we continue to create new forms of education while balancing technological innovation with our mission to protect people alongside instructors' dedication.

This is our endless pursuit of "true problem-solving" alongside technological evolution. We will never cease our efforts to protect people from disasters. We can recreate any scenario or landscape.



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