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守護者としての猫 - 漢字に秘められた人を守る物語

2025年、新年のご挨拶を申し上げます。 新年初の投稿は「猫」にまつわるエピソードから初めて参りたいと思います。 「猫」という漢字には、実は深い意味が込められています。 古代のChinaでは、この字は「田(畑)を守る」という意味の象形文字から発展したとされています。



  1. 正倉院の経典守護(奈良時代) 正倉院では「猫手」という公式な役職があり、貴重な経典を守るために猫が採用されていました。


  2. 豪徳寺の招き猫伝説(江戸時代) 井伊直孝を落雷から救った白猫の逸話は、今日の招き猫文化の源流となっています。


  3. シャム王宮の神聖な守り手(1880年代) タイの王宮では、特に白猫が神聖な守護者として扱われ、重要な儀式の際には必ず傍らに控えていました。

  4. 日本の養蚕文化と猫 江戸時代、養蚕が盛んだった地域では、大切な蚕を害虫から守るために猫が重宝されました。これが「まねき猫」の文化とも結びついています。

  5. 京都の西陣織と猫 西陣織の工房では、貴重な絹糸を害獣から守るため、猫が必ず飼われていました。現在でも多くの工房で「看板猫」として活躍しています。

  6. 寺社の守護者 日本全国の寺社では、貴重な文化財や建造物を守るために猫が飼われてきました。特に、木造建築の多い日本では、害獣対策の重要な担い手でした。

  7. 古代エジプトの穀物守護 穀物倉庫に住み着いた猫たちは、貴重な食料を害獣から守り、文明の発展に貢献しました。

  8. イタリアのワイン蔵の番人 トスカーナ地方のワイナリーでは、貴重なワインを害獣から守るため、代々猫が守護者として活躍しています。

  9. 江戸時代の商家の守り神 商家では、大切な商品や帳簿を守るために猫が重宝されました。


  10. 現代の図書館猫 世界中の図書館で、貴重な書物を守る「図書館猫」が活躍しています。


私たち白獅子が猫をモチーフとしているのは、このような文化的、歴史的背景にも基づいています。 「猫」の文字に込められた「守る」という精神は、私たちの企業理念そのものです。













The following is the English version of the text.

Title "Cats as Guardians - The Hidden Story of Protection in Chinese Characters"

At the dawn of 2025, we begin our year with a reflection on the profound connection between cats and Snowlion Inc.'s foundational principles.

The Chinese character for "cat" (猫) carries within it an ancient wisdom. In the early days of Chinese civilization, this character emerged from a pictograph representing "protection of fields" (田). When combined with the character for "seedlings" (苗), it reveals a deeper truth: cats were recognized as sacred guardians of the crops that sustained human communities. This protective role wasn't merely functional—it represented a spiritual bond between cats and human civilization's very survival.

Historical Episodes of Cats as Guardians

  1. Shōsōin Treasury Guardians (Nara Period) The Shōsōin had an official position called "Nekote" (Cat Handler), where cats were employed to protect precious sutras. Historical documents record that these cats received fish as payment for their services.

  2. Gotokuji Temple's Maneki-neko Legend (Edo Period) The tale of a white cat saving Lord Ii Naotaka from lightning became the origin of today's Maneki-neko (beckoning cat) culture. This white cat is remembered as a guardian who sensed danger and saved its master's life.

  3. Sacred Guardians of Siamese Royal Court (1880s) In the Thai royal palace, white cats were treated as sacred guardians and were always present during important ceremonies.

  4. Cats in Japanese Sericulture During the Edo period, cats were valued for protecting silkworms from pests in silk-producing regions, contributing to the Maneki-neko culture.

  5. Cats of Kyoto's Nishijin Textile In Nishijin textile workshops, cats were essential guardians of precious silk threads. Many workshops still have their "shop cats" today.

  6. Temple and Shrine Guardians Throughout Japan, temples and shrines kept cats to protect cultural properties and wooden buildings from pests.

  7. Ancient Egyptian Granary Guardians Cats living in granaries protected valuable food supplies from pests, contributing to the advancement of civilization.

  8. Wine Cellar Guardians in Italy In Tuscany's wineries, cats have served as hereditary guardians, protecting precious wines from pests.

  9. Edo Period Merchant House Guardians Merchants valued cats for protecting goods and ledgers, leading to the Maneki-neko becoming a symbol of business prosperity.

  10. Modern Library Cats Libraries worldwide employ "library cats" to protect precious books, with many cats serving as official staff members.

We at Snowlion Inc. chose the cat as our motif based on this cultural and historical background. The spirit of "protection" embedded in the character for "cat" is the very essence of our corporate philosophy.

Today, cats continue to evolve as human guardians in new ways, serving as therapy cats and warning of impending disasters.

Our current work in disaster prevention and medical fields using XR technology embodies this "guardian spirit of cats" in a modern context. VR training for disaster evacuation, AR support for medical professionals, and various safety education content - all these are based on our mission to protect people's lives and safety.

The presence of our cat staff, including our CEO (President Shiro), is not merely about being a "company of cat lovers." It represents our deep philosophy of protecting people through modern technology, inheriting the spirit of cats who have been humanity's guardians for thousands of years.

Each XR solution we develop embodies the principle of "being with humans and protecting them reliably," as cats have demonstrated throughout history.

Disaster prevention simulations, systems supporting medical professionals' skill development, safety education content - all these are modern technological manifestations of cats' innate nature as guardians.

Our CEO's vision of "becoming an entity that protects people worldwide" embodies the spirit of cats who have remained humanity's guardians from ancient times to the present. We at Snowlion Inc. will continue to fulfill this noble mission using modern XR technology as our tool.

Like cats protecting humans—

This is Snowlion's pride, mission, and reason for being.

[CG Image Description]

3D modeling of Kuro-ko, mother of Rom & Rem!



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