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地域防災のニーズに応える4つの提供形態 ①災害体験VRレンタル

  • 土砂災害、津波、地震、火災など、実績ある既存コンテンツをVRデバイスとセットで提供

  • イベントや研修など、期間を定めた活用に最適



  • 年単位での利用で初期費用を抑えた導入が可能

  • イベントだけでなく、常設展示など多様な活用シーンに対応

  • 地域特性に合わせたテロップの追加により、これまでの防災教育をさらに強化

  • 長期的な防災教育計画に組み込みやすい料金体系


  • YouTubeやWebサイトでの動画共有など、多様なプラットフォームでの展開が可能

  • いつでも、どこでも、誰でも閲覧可能な高い利便性

  • 地域独自の防災メッセージをテロップとして追加可能

  • 既存の防災教育コンテンツとの連携も容易


  • 地域特有の地形や想定される災害リスクを詳細に分析

  • 地域の防災課題に特化したシナリオ設計

  • 実際の避難経路や避難所を含めた、地域に即した体験コンテンツの制作

  • 25年のCG制作・システム開発実績による高品質な映像表現

  • 地域の防災担当者様との綿密な連携による、きめ細かな開発プロセス

  • 防災教育の実績を活かした、効果的な学習要素の組み込み

  • 将来的な更新にも対応可能な拡張性の高い設計


  • 既存の防災教育プログラムとの高い親和性

  • 指導者の意図に沿った柔軟な活用が可能

  • 地域特性を活かしたカスタマイズ性

  • 長年の実績に基づく確かな技術力

  • 継続的なサポート体制


地域の実情に合わせて、最適な導入方法を提案いたします。 弊社、災害体験VRの無料体験も行っております! ▶お問い合わせ、詳細情報は、こちらからご確認ください。

The following is the English version of the text.


Creating New Possibilities in Community-Based Disaster Prevention Education through VR Experiences. At Snowlion Inc., we provide disaster experience VR designed as a highly flexible content platform that allows disaster prevention instructors to maximize their accumulated experience and expertise. Currently, it serves as a complementary tool in many communities, enhancing existing disaster prevention activities and making them more effective. Four Service Models to Meet Community Disaster Prevention Needs

Disaster Experience VR Rental

  1. Provides proven existing content (landslides, tsunamis, earthquakes, fires) bundled with VR devices

  2. Ideal for time-limited applications such as events and training sessions

  3. Enables authentic disaster experiences with minimal setup

Disaster Experience VR Lease

  1. Enables implementation with reduced initial costs through annual usage plans

  2. Supports diverse applications from events to permanent exhibitions

  3. Enhances existing disaster prevention education through customizable captions reflecting local characteristics

  4. Offers pricing structure suitable for long-term disaster prevention education planning

Disaster Experience VR Content Sales

  1. Enables deployment across various platforms including YouTube and website video sharing

  2. Offers high accessibility - viewable anytime, anywhere, by anyone

  3. Allows addition of region-specific disaster prevention messages through captions

  4. Seamlessly integrates with existing disaster prevention educational content

Custom Disaster Experience VR Development

  1. Detailed analysis of region-specific topography and anticipated disaster risks

  2. Scenario design focused on local disaster prevention challenges

  3. Creation of experience content incorporating actual evacuation routes and shelters

  4. High-quality visual expression backed by 25 years of CG production and system development

  5. Meticulous development process through close collaboration with local disaster prevention officials

  6. Integration of effective learning elements based on disaster prevention education experience

  7. Highly extensible design accommodating future updates

As your partner in disaster prevention education, we provide the following value

  • High compatibility with existing disaster prevention programs

  • Flexible utilization aligned with instructor intentions

  • Customization capabilities leveraging regional characteristics

  • Proven technical expertise based on years of experience

  • Ongoing support system

We combine our technical capabilities with respect for the rich experience, knowledge, and long-standing efforts of disaster prevention educators to achieve more effective disaster awareness. We propose optimal implementation methods tailored to local circumstances. Free trials of our disaster experience VR are available!



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